Friday, October 27, 2017


From the date you file, it takes about 4 months to get a decision on your Social Security disability application.  However, if you are denied, it takes an additional 18 months to get the appeal settled.  That's too long!  How to avoid waiting 2 years for a disability payment?

The Answer:  Send in a perfect application.  Dot every i and cross every t.  Send in every scrap of medical evidence.  Provide Social Security with exactly what they need to approve your claim.  Avoid the extra delay of appeals.

I review denials of disability claims every day.  Sometimes denials are unavoidable.  However, I find many applications that were denied due to careless errors, incomplete information or just misunderstanding what information was being asked for.

Most advocates and law firms will not help you file the initial application.  You have to do that on your own.  Then, if you get denied, the attorney will help you with the appeal.  I take a different approach.

I like to help file the initial application, making sure it is complete, accurate and ready for approval if possible.  Just this week I received two approval notices on applications I had prepared a couple of months ago.  This certainly doesn't always happen but turning in a "squeaky clean" application increases the odds of being approved quickly.

Only about one-third of all applications will be approved without an appeal.  I suspect that applications prepared by attorneys or professional advocates have a much higher approval rate.  

Helping you file your initial application is just one service offered by the Forsythe Firm.  And it doesn't cost you one extra cent.  I feel that the extra 3 or 4 hours we spend on helping with the application is time well spent. Call us today for a free consultation.  (256) 799-0297.

 Social Security Justice: Visit Our Website

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My full-time job is helping disabled individuals get Social Security benefits.  This can mean up to $2,687 per month in income for a person ...