Here is a question we recently received and it helps you understand who is and who is not covered by Social Security disability insurance(SSDI). And, yes, Social Security disability is a government sponsored insurance plan.
"I am 32 years-old. I worked a couple of years right out of high school. Then, I got married and quit work. Then I worked again part-time from 2002 to 2005. Social Security tax was withheld from all of those wages. Am I covered?"
The most likely answer is, No. My guess is that you have not accumulated the necessary "quarters of coverage" during the past 10 years to be covered for Title II insurance (the standard Social Security disability coverage). To be sure, call your local Social Security office. In Huntsville, you can reach the office at 1-866-593-0665.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) - a welfare program also administered by the Social Security Administration, has very different rules. SSI does not require any work to be covered. The maximum benefits under SSI are much lower and you are restricted by household income and financial resources (unlike the SSDI program, where there are no such restrictions).
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