Friday, September 20, 2019


So you've been denied disability benefits?  You're wondering what to do next.

First, let me say that successful Social Security Disability (SSDI) claims don't just happen.  They are planned and executed.  They are masterfully prepared by people who know what they are doing.

Denials happen all on their own and require no planning or hard work.  But putting together a successful SSDI claim or appeal requires hard work, detailed planning and the artful combination of pieces of the puzzle.

What's at stake in your SSDI disability claim?
  1. a monthly benefit check which can be up to $2,667 per month
  2. back pay for all the months you have already been disabled
  3. Medicare insurance to pay for future medical bills
  4. a check for each of your dependents (children)
 The denial letter you just received in the mail is not the end; it is just the beginning of your journey toward getting benefits.

An attorney or qualified Social Security disability advocate should examine your case to determine how to pull it together and win it.  Your doctor may need to submit an opinion, called a Medical Source Statement.  You may need to pursue a published Listing or a Medical-Vocational Guideline.   There may be a dozen flaws in your denial that should be appealed and corrected.

A denied claim is not dead for 60 days!  During the first 60 days following a denial, you are given a second chance to present your case and turn things around.  By taking swift, calculated action during this 60-day period, you can potentially win your case and even get back pay for the denied period.

About 85 percent of Social Security disability claims are denied before they are approved!  Yes, over 8 out of 10 get denied.  Not the end, just the beginning.  Use the 60 days you are given to turn things around.  It's what I do for a living.

In fact, there is a large legal industry in America which does nothing but take denied SSDI claims and turn them into victories that pay benefits!  

Contact a Social Security disability specialist for a free consultation.  It's better than starting all over.
The Forsythe Firm
7027 Old Madison Pike, Suite 108
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 799-0297        Free Consultations


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My full-time job is helping disabled individuals get Social Security benefits.  This can mean up to $2,687 per month in income for a person ...